Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer in the Suburbs

It's summer, which means it's now the time for hikes, rivers, and the swamp. I went home to New Jersey this weekend, and here are the results. Excluded is what I shot for my thesis. These photos are just the little fellas who won't make it to the classroom. Poor guys. The least you can do is stare at them for a little bit to make them feel better. And remember, there's more of them than there are of you.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Solid Gold

In an effort to improve my public image I am releasing this sexy photo of myself.

I think it's becoming obvious that when Amanda and I team up in the studio the result is one thing: Solid Gold. The unique blend of my talent and Amanda's
willingness to follow my orders yields beautiful images that rival the likes of Irving Penn. I've never been all that into studio photography, but maybe this pairing can change my feelings on the art.

And speaking of solid gold, here's Amanda digging
for some.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bloody Mouth Hole Time

I, unfortunately, will also have to take a late pass on updating this blog. School has been pretty good, and photography is looking up. So, keeping with the recent theme of embarrassing pictures of each other, here is a picture of Sean's mouth hole. Caption contest! Leave your submission in the comments.
